I recently stumbled across a fan film entitled "Von Doom" by Lucky9Studios, directed by Ivan Kander. I liked what they were able to do, and it made me curious about what it would look like if I pieced it together with the Dr. Doom storylines from the Fox Fantastic Four films. I've tried to piece them together in a somewhat logical way, though there are obvious things that don't match up (accents, magic use, etc.) but I hope you guys can enjoy it nonetheless.
I did this one fairly quickly, and I didn't use high quality copies with multiple channels, but I did want to change the music and give the film a darker tone, with more tension. I am a huge of fan of the soundtrack from the TV show 'Dark', so I used mostly music from that show, or some Hans Zimmer.
There is a post-credits scene, which I have to thank Marvel Ultimate Alliance for.
You can watch the original "Von Doom" fan film on YouTube or at this site: